Lil Wayne is steady growing on me. He is too funny!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Can't You Hear the Violins

Okay, so it has become my personal opinion that the Dips are over. Yes, I know...stranger things have occurred but you know. I really like this group, I mean what is there not to like, the swagger, the arrogance,the dare to be different in your face persona and now...NOTHING. The stories and the speculations have hit the net. The denial from both camps about the impending deal for Jimmy! Which I still say he is going to Universal and not to G-Unit. I was riding hard but this interview here with Hell Rell pretty much solidified it. So here once again I lie dwindling in speculation. Where is Cam'Ron??? All of this is say to actually say nothing. This doesn't affect me. I can pop in a CD or you tube a vid and relive the good ole days
But, I'm just nosey as all get out and I want answers.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Thursday, September 6, 2007

I had no intention of signing into this blog, I just not have been into it and this ish right here and this speculation done made me come up out of that funk. I don't know. I can't see Jimmy taking the Toy Solider, I put that battery in his back approach to his career. He's too much upfront and smart for that but who knows. It just looks weak to me. The hip hop heads is saying this is some ole disloyal ish and you have to wonder what is going to happen to the kids once this divorce is final or should I say if....
UPDATE: Jim is not signing to G-Unit, he was however on Rap City with 50 which looked to be awkward. If you ask me. But now the least for some people all is alright for now. Oh! Where's Cam?
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Modern Day Slavery
History teaches us that slavery was abolished in 1865, why were these people held in bondage for almost 50 years? I shrudder at the fact that they were living off of whatever they could find, beaten and the woman were raped, forced to pick cotton and clean the homes of the white family that kept them in bondage and were also passed along to other white families.
According to the article peonage is an illegal practice and nobody knew of the nightmare that the Walls family lived until Mae Miller told her story to her family in 2001. You may ask how could they not know. Simply they were not allowed to listen to radio nor watch TV and none of them could read. You can contribute that to having no radio, electricity nor phone and they were forbidden to visit family or go into town and church.
My people, we need to educate ourselves, we are being pacified with little to nothing that this society has given us. After reading this I learned that I take a lot for granted and the things that are happening today that we are taking a stand and fighting for doesn't compare to what this family lived through, wake up and take account for the things that we have access to in this society that can free our minds from the "enslavement" that we are still trapped in. Events are happening right before our eyes and we are being blindsided by the N, B and H-Word and Don Imus issues. Recent events like the Jena Six and the Walls family as well as others leads me to believe that although it may seem that we have gained altitude in the past 142 years, the "airplane" has barely skimmed off the ground.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Wild N Out

Guess Who???
Look At What Jim Jones Started

I hope that this is not for real because I am starting to believe that Jim Jones has more effect on "The Legends" than what people would really care to believe and I hated that off with your Kufi comment but Air Kufis though..I straight give the F**K UP.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
MTV's Hottest MCs airs July 29

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Have You Met Jason Momoa?
Suge Needs Pac
Monday, July 23, 2007
Jury Selection in R Kelly Trial
Friday, July 20, 2007
Breaks Up to Makes Up (No Homo)
All Nostalgic and Ish

Do You Know This Man?
Friday, July 13, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Somebody Got the Lil Homie off Stuck
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Granny Sentenced For Robbing Bank
Grandma is a Ridah! Her son said he was going to murk himself cause he couldn't pay his bills. Granny said Man up Nucca, I'll show you how it's to be done. Straight G! Sad part is she only got 2 years house arrest and 20 years probation. Had she been darker, she would have been toast. No pun intended...of course.
Sprint Says Kick Boulders

Friday, July 6, 2007
Lords Of The Underground - Funky Child
Who needs a stinkin vid. This ish is Fiyah. Oh yeah baby I got about 50 people hatin on me now, I'm trying to get a smoove hunned by August.
Rugger Rell

T. I. And T. I. P

How We Gonna Stay Fresh?

Kim and Diddy Break Up Just as Important as Murder


Oh kay! I tracked down this movie that I was so excited to see and..... sad to say I was very disappointed. I never thought that Wood Harris and JD Williams in the same movie together could disappoint but I was WRONG. Oh well. It is what it is. This is the end result when good actors happen to bad scripts.
Friday, June 29, 2007
DMX - Stop Being Greedy
I was a lil hongry (yes) this morning and as I left my job to go to Mickey D's I was singing this in my head. "Ribs is touching" Yeah. Real Hip Hop associates with everything!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
International Players Anthem-UGK & OutCast
I should be tired of posting vids and it's so much to talk about but I am not in the mood today, I have a final exam coming up and I needs to be on point. But I digress.... this right here my niz, this video right here is Fiyah. Made me sign into this blog today, if you already peeped it, so what, if I'm late at least I'm not coming short. I swear I am going to watch the Mack tonight, I swear.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Big Daddy Kane - Ain'T No Half Steppin'
Haven't posted one of these in a minute so let's get back into the groove with some smooth and sexy chocolate!!! Don't Front!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Thee Big ONE!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Friday the Animated Series

Stack Bundles - Temper Temper
I don't know what happened to my Stack Bundles vid in the previous post that I had to repost so....I posted anotha one.
This is the Bestest News Evah

It's All There in Black and White

As a side note, Why isn't R Kelly in jail, isn't this almost the same crime? Humm! 15yr old girl, oral sex, video tape...I'm just saying!!
Stack Bundles
I read on that Stack Bundles was shot and killed Monday Morning June 11. Stack was my favorite from BrydGang. If you didn't know who he was check out his vid and check out the Jim Jones Weatherman track that featured him and Lil Wayne.
Updated: Miss Info has some well, info on her blog. If you are into details.
Monday, June 11, 2007

Thursday, June 7, 2007
Going Nowhere Fast

“The man spilled his soda pop, but he wasn’t upset,” said Sgt. Kathy Morton of the Michigan State Police.
Marley Marl

Wood Harris- 4 Life - DVD July 3
I read the book based on this movie and it was okay. I can't remember the name of it. But and I do mean but next to Capo, Wood Harris is the next one on the list that I deem as in my mind, I am no stalker, doable. I loves me some Wood Harris and then JD Williams is next, so I will be hitting up my mobile video store and getting me some 4 Life in my life. Ahhh, Avon Barksdale and Bodie all in one. I may need me a forty to go with my Wire actors sammich. It's a Celebration Bitches!
Friday, June 1, 2007
SuperLover Cee Cassanova Rud - Girls I Got Em Locked.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Uncle Wayne likes them Lightskinded with Curly Hair
I told yall Uncle Wayne got issues. Did he get a whiff of Peedi's April Freshness? Blowing Kisses and a couple peeps at that sweet yellow nectar. Oh Lawd Ham Mercy!!! Note to Beans, I ain't seen Kanye or Pharell do this.....
Friday, May 25, 2007
Jaz and Jay-Z- Hawaiian Sophie
Poor Righteous Teachers - Shakyilah.
*I could not find Rock This Funky Joint. But PRT is hot nonetheless.
Ain't Nuthin' Like the Make Up Sex

Thursday, May 24, 2007
Uncle Wayne dissing the Set
Monday, May 21, 2007
Who Can it Be???
I CAN'T SAY NAMES! I heard a certain New York rapper got beat down in his own city. I mean, stuff happens. I heard he was pulled out of his car and served. Sad.
Now because it's slow. I feel like playing the guessing game. I can only hope that this comes out. It's a lot of NY rappers but only few have been prone to getting some ack right here lately.. Let's automatically eliminate Killa Cam (shook my head as I wrote that one) cause he's on vacation uh humm " probation" and take a look at these top contenders.
Why these you ask?
1) Yayo needs his butt whooped for that ladies tell the truth So Seductive line (it will never get old)
2) I don't have all day on "I ain't got no CD MAN!" Tru Life, he needs a butt whooping for hating contender 3 for promoting gang violence but he the only broke mofo out robbing and beating down folks. (see contender #3)
3) Jimmy.. I really don't know, folks like messing with his cute ass and since Cam is uh hum away, then why not? Better yet, he gets one for cutting that facial hair off.
4) Good ole I get suckas beat down at the Rucka ( again see contender 3) but my real job is shaking it Mystical fast (naked and towel props a must) for my homies and some Becky's that I just threw in the mix to ooh let's say camouflage the fact that I do this for my boys on the regulars, cause they loves it. So yeah this one needs a good old fashion towel whooping. Every pun intended, Lil Cease.
Words of Wisdom from Old A$$ Uncle Wayne
He must be trying to promote himself and his CD that Jay ain't never gonna drop cause he comes fiercely at Kanye and Pharrell for wearing tight clothes and Louis Vuttion. Beans need to stick to rapping or giving out whoopings, cause reality show Straight Guy with a Queer Eye ain't gonna work.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Something needs to be said about a man that issues threats in boxers, wife beater and socks. Is Killa sending a subliminal message to Capo, Curtis and Tru Life? He's off probation and off vacation and coming back with a vengeance. In the process can this nucca body that rootie, tootie flow and revive that 357 swagger. I miss that like this nucca missed the memo that tight boxers and wife beaters with socks and talking greasy is so not Gangsta. Somebody looking real unfamiliar right now. Cam is that you? I,I can't... is that KILLA?
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Super Heros
Now I am sorry but I had to swagger jack these pictures. I don't know what the bloody ell is going on with these two but I swear this could be a blockbuster hit.
Cuuuurtis (Fitty Cent) -Candy Shop Part 6
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
The Adventures of Lil Cease and His Magical Snake
Take That, Take That
So although I say there are no words. I miraculously found some. Let's see, 1) Hip Hop version of Broke Back Mountain - Vegas Desert addition. 2) The anticipation is building so intensely that Diddy had to bite his bottom lip to keep from screaming. OK! I'm going to stop, I'm actually grossing myself out with my thoughts.
Only 3 Eposides Left
See! What had Happened Was...

Friday, May 11, 2007
First the Fat Boys...Now This

Eric B and Rakim - I Ain't No Joke
Check out Flav getting busy!
What CD???

Thursday, May 10, 2007
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Big Daddy

Let's take a break from As the ASS Whoopins Commence (our regularly scheduled program starring Killa Cam and Tru Life) to announce an I heard.... Well I heard that Patti Jackson announced that Jay Z will be making a statement regarding his "son" Isa. I am still using quotes. Supposedly he is going to admit that the kid is his (Damn that Billie Jean song) and I know there will not be a mention about the $4000 that he "supposedly" pays in child support that's $48,0000 a year. Now, granted I believe that this is enough to raise a 6 year old but shouldn't little Isa be spending more than 3 times a year with "Daddy"? Oh my if this is his son, Ty Ty gets more play time with daddy than little Isa. RAISE YOUR SEED!
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
I'll Whip Ya Head Boy!