Okay, I wasn't going to comment on this because I think it's a bunch of bull crap, so bear with me as I take out my Dip Set photo book and light my candles and lower myself into fetal position with my Kleenex as I silently hum the words to It's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday. There was talks that there is beef between "brovas" Jim and Cam'ron of the Diplomats. And this is old news but there is really nothing going on today... Jim was supposed to go on the Funk Flex show after talking to Ms. Info, stating that he hasn't spoken to Cam'ron in over a year despite the fact that if you look at the different interviews that have been conducted by both, they claim to really love each other. (NO HOMO) I had to say that or I might get swerved on by The Goonies. In my opinion I think that this is a stunt to take the attention away from Cam'ron for his 60 Minutes bit and the fact that there was an altercation between him Tru Life and Cam'ron took a shot in the a** (again NO HOMO). So Jim has taken one for the team and has chosen to spill his insides in classic Bitch Etiquette form (No Tru Life) , but at this point is choosing to remain silent so that Duke Da God (smh) can promote Dip Set More Than Music, whichever volume they are on at this time. So apparently we will have to wait to hear the outcome of all of this and blah, blah, blah ... After writing all of this I'm sad that I did. Stick a fork in me, cause I'm done!
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