Ok! So I watched 60 Minutes and the whole Stop Snitch'n effort. I was dumbfounded for one, who the hell is Cam'ron's manager? He should have never been advised to do this interview, the answer should have been a flat out no. Why? If he doesn't live under a rock he knows that Hip Hop has been on the proverbial chopping block since Don Imus called intellectual and talented Black women of Rutgers "nappy headed hoes". This my friends was a set up. Did Cam make hip hop look bad? Yes and No. Yes because it just adds fuel to the fire of how idiotic rap has become in the past few years and no because his words are not the absolute Gospel according to Hip Hop (although some may think that it is). Hip Hop has long since gone bad, he just put another log on the fire to make it burn faster. The bigger issue here is the code of ethics NO Snitching and if you do you are labeled as a RAT, people won't break bread with you let alone talk to you, you become out casted. This has gone on longer and way before Hip Hop came into existence, it's just more prominent now because people want street cred but at what cost. It has been said time and time again if you tell on somebody you are considered a snitch, hence there goes your street cred. When we were children the code was nobody likes a tattle tale, snitches get stitches and sleep in ditches. It is pumped into us from the time that we start talking and thinking logically for our own selves. So where do we draw the line? Does Cam'ron speak for the entire Hip Hop nation? Maybe, did he make Blacks look bad doing it? That's questionable, you have to form your own opinion, will this stop people from buying and listening to Hip Hop? Flat out no. This segment was a waste of TV time and I'm sorry that I tuned in for it. Sad to say, this is not going to go away and good ole Cam wore the jack ass suit and heaved us all into a whirlwind of a classic Boondocks Nigga Moment.

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